Welcome to The Sewing Machine Lady!
My name is Rose and I’m the lady behind The Sewing Machine Lady. I purchased my very first sewing machine wellover 20 years ago. It was a Brother, a very simple, very basic machine. At the time I was just learning how to sew and I needed something that was easy to use and that allowed me to do some very basic stitching. I never gave it much thought though. I just bought something and started sewing.
But with so many sewing machine models and brands on the market today touting features ranging from very basic to cutting edge, it can be difficult, especially for the beginner, to sift through it all and find the one that is just right for you.
Choosing a sewing machine is a very personal task. It’s like buying a car – what is right for one person may not be right for another. However, with some effort and research you can always find the one that best meets your needs. This is the goal of The Sewing Machine Lady: to make that effort a little easier because I have already done all the research for you.
A Passion For Sewing
My own sewing career began when I was in high school where I constructed my very first pair of “sweat pants.” I must say that there is nothing more exhilarating than creating something with your own hands.The pride that you feel when you say “I made it myself!” is an incredibly satisfying feeling. So was born my passion for sewing.Since that time I have sewn everything from aprons to Bridesmaids dresses. I have studied Pattern Drafting and Clothing Construction at the School of Fashion Design here in my hometown and have amassed quite a library of texts, tools, fabrics and more.
And So The Sewing Machine Lady Was Born
So it seemed fitting to me to design a site that makes the job of the sewing enthusiast a little easier.
Why The Sewing Machine Lady?
Because I have been where you are, confused and seeking good, clear and helpful information about how to choose the right sewing machine and the right tools for my projects. Our goal is to educate and inform you with sewing machine reviews, useful articles, tips and tutorials that will help you become more productive and proficient in your sewing endeavors.
So whether you are a beginner or an experienced seamstress this website was designed to help you chose the perfect sewing machine for your projects and needs.
Hope it helps!